Location: , New Hampshire
Description: Staff Care, Inc. is employing CRNA right now, this occupation will be designated in New Hampshire. Further informations about this occupation opportunity please give attention to these descriptions. 132 BEDS - 8 DOCS AND 3 FULL TIME CRNA'S ( SUPERVISION IS 1:3 OR 4. b&b, NO HEARTS, NO PEDS UNDER 6 MONTHS, VERY RARE NEURO NO OB BUT SOME GYN, VERY SLIGHT POSSIBILITY OF ENDO. TRAUMA 2; 7:30 TO 3:30. CALL AND OT IS OPTIONAL. BEEPER CALL. If you were eligible to this occupation, please give us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to Staff Care, Inc..
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This occupation will be opened on: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 16:38:46 GMT